Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cabin Fever...and what happens!

Ok, so it is just butt cold here, there really is no other term, technical or otherwise to describe it.  The kids are "trapped" as Hava has said, and it takes lots to be creative with our time.  Today, the only thing we could do to keep Hava happy was to let her draw a kitty on her face.  From time to time, we draw whiskers and a nose on her face to make her a kitty, but being that her new favorite phrase (which totally breaks my heart!) is "I do it my self", I allowed her to draw the whiskers herself.  After seeing Hava's masterpiece Gabe asked me to make him a dog. Then I brought out the camera, and Hava wouldn't have any part of having her picture taken, but in perfect Hava and Gabe fashion the boy let me take his picture.  Never do they both want or not want the same thing! So please do enjoy, I sure did!

1 comment:

merrystephens said...

Uhg! They are just the cutest!