Monday, August 11, 2008

Thank you - Vreemans

Hi Heidi-  We are so forever thankful!!!  You have captured our daughter in a way that we as her parents maybe could have, but without your professional "eye" would've been impossible.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!  Ash left for India yesterday, so these pix's will be a constant for us so we don't miss her so bad.  We had a family prayer time (the WHOLE fam) on Saturday evening to send her off.  She's so excited and ready to do whatever the Father asks of her.  We alllllll LOVE  the pix's.  They brought tears to our eyes (good ones).  You are an amazingly talented woman that the Lord has gifted.  We are so happy to know you and are so thankful for the connection that He has made.  Sending much love to you and your family.  Thanks again Heidi  Love The Vreemans

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